Halloween Spot the Difference!

Posted by: 邱小新 at 上午10:44:00 in
  1. B
  2. C
  3. A
  4. A
  5. C
  6. D
  7. C
  8. B
  9. D
  10. A

Who's pokemon

Posted by: 邱小新 at 晚上8:01:00 in
1.Pikachu 2.Eevee 3.Slowpoke 4.Squirrel 5.Cubone 6.Snorlax 7.Charmele 8.Poliwrat 9.Articu n 10.Nidorino 11.Caterpie 12.Sandslas 13.Oddish 14.Grimer 15.Mew 16.Piplup 17.Ditto 18.Lillipup 19.Piplup 20.Ghost 21.Nidorina 22.Clefairy 23.Arcanine 24.Piloswin 25.Delibird 26.Pupitar 27.Lairon 28.Plusle 29.Altaria 30.Metagros 31.Stunky 32.Hippopot 33.Simipour 34.Sawk 35.Zoroark 36.Skiddo 37.Malamar 38.Tyrunt 39.Cubchoo 40.Nosepass


Posted by: 邱小新 at 下午5:05:00 in
  1. 3966
  2. 6322
  3. 25000076
  4. 3777.2
  5. 18010/11 11:58
  6. 5
  7. 9.2
  8. -2(2x+5)
  9. 10 km/hr
  10. 2(13x-7)

Solve Simple 10 Math Problems!

Posted by: 邱小新 at 中午12:03:00 in
  1. 820
  2. 5
  3. 2.911
  4. 280
  5. 1.35
  6. 104
  7. 3750000
  8. 4
  9. 80
  10. 0.88

IFTTT 好用範例

Posted by: 邱小新 at 下午6:48:00 in

Can You Guess All of These State Capitals?

Posted by: 邱小新 at 下午6:23:00 in
  1. Atlanta
  2. Montgomery
  3. Sacramento
  4. Pierre
  5. Phoenix
  6. Montpelier
  7. Denver
  8. Des Moines
  9. Dover
  10. Boise.
  11. Hartford
  12. Charleston
  13. Providence
  14. Austin
  15. Frankfort
  16. Topeka
  17. Madison
  18. Olympia
  19. Salt Lake City
  20. Oklahoma City
  21. Harrisburg
  22. Santa Fe
  23. Salem
  24. Nashville
  25. Baton Rouge
  26. Helena
  27. Albany
  28. Columbus
  29. Richmond
  30. Cheyenne

Can You Answer This Fun Trivia About Dogs??

Posted by: 邱小新 at 下午6:09:00 in
  1. 3
  2. kubiai khan
  3. Germany
  4. Philosopher
  5. Ozzy Osbourne
  6. Basenji
  7. Labrador Retriever
  8. Greyhound
  9. It is what makes it ...
  10. They are checking their pee-mail
  11. Sort of ...
  12. 200
  13. A group of pugs
  14. They will vomit
  15. Only on their nose and feet
  16. Nose print
  17. Star on the ...
  18. Scottish sheep ...
  19. To protect themselves
  20. Jump 10 feet
  21. To leave a message ...
  22. To bring the scent ...
  23. Unselfish kindness
  24. Blue and yellow
  25. Hearing
  26. He enacted ...
  27. 200 pounds
  28. Sunrise
  29. To protect it ...
  30. 35 times


Posted by: 邱小新 at 上午10:03:00 in

enter flash mode

  • 手機關機並拔掉電腦 USB 線
  • 手機插上 USB 線
  • 按住手機音量減鍵 (Volume -)不要放開
  • 電腦接上 USB 線
  • 手機會自動開機並進入 flash mode,LED 燈變成綠色常亮。