Movie Quiz!

Posted by: 邱小新 at 下午4:49:00 in
  1. Brain
  2. Arnold Schwarzenegger
  3. Toto
  4. Jennifer Lawrence
  5. Arendelle
  6. Frodo Baggins
  7. 1929
  8. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
  9. Katy Perry
  10. Gone with the Wind
  11. Ellen Degeneres
  12. Queen of Hearts
  13. WIlly
  14. Bela Lugosi
  15. Seven
  16. Martin Brody
試過以無痕瀏覽測試後發現:系統會隨機故意給出 YOU ARE ON FIRE 評語,所以無論是否正確,莊家出千很難滿分。

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